Have you written a personal intro post on Instagram? Read this…

Lucy Werner
2 min readOct 27, 2021

Oh hey 👋🏼

Picture of author Lucy, waving in front of a pink neon sign that reads Hype Yourself.

We have all seen ‘those’ posts. The ‘It’s been a while. There are some new faces. I thought I would do a little re-introduction etc.…’

And this is a perfect way to media train yourself.

Now the world is opening up again, we are being asked to say Hey and introduce ourselves a lot.

But don’t feel like one post on Instagram is enough.

Could you write it down?
How often do you write down your introduction and read it out loud? What can you take out? What is filler? Is it too short? Is it too long? Have you timed yourself? Aim for between 30–60 seconds.

Practice out loud
When Clubhouse started, I was in a fab room on a Monday night where we would invite people up onto the virtual stage to do their intros. For many, myself included, it can be nerve-wracking trying to say the perfect introduction out loud. So keep practising it.

Ask for feedback
Whether you are a solopreneur or founder of a large conglomerate. It is rare we explicitly seek out a wider circle to comment on our introduction pitch. Ask someone outside of your immediate circle or line of work. Do they understand what it is that you do?



Lucy Werner

Lessons on self promotion and creative living, to help you make an income from your expertise and passion.